Have you ever had a big kid bully you on the playground? This is a child-friendly exploration of a similar situation adults face at work. They guide young minds in identifying harmful behaviors and standing up to them in a make-believe work world, encouraging empathy, positivity, and resilience.

Key Takeaways:

  1. We identify negative behaviors in others, like bullying, telling lies, and getting angry too often.
  2. How these behaviors affect us and others around us.
  3. What can we do to confront these behaviors respectfully?
  4. When and how to seek help from trusted adults.

Let’s imagine we are all grown-ups and we have a job. Just like you have kids in your class who are not always nice, sometimes there are grown-ups at work who are not pleasant.

These people can make others feel bad. They might always tell lies, get angry, or try to make others look bad. This makes the workplace feel like a playground where the bully boss is the big mean kid.

How does it make you feel when someone is mean to you? Sad? Upset? Scared? It’s the same for grown-ups. They might not want to play (or work) anymore.

So, what can we do about it, you might wonder?

Talk about it:
If a kid at school was mean to you, wouldn’t you tell your teacher about it? It’s the same for grown-ups. They should tell someone from the work who can help, like human resources.

Don’t Go Alone:
Remember how you feel braver when your best friend is with you? It’s the same for grown-ups at work. Going through this together makes them stronger.

Ask for help:
When you ask a grown-up for help against a mean kid, adults can ask for help too. They might talk to someone like a work counselor.

Final Thoughts

No kid or grown-up should have to play in a playground where someone is always mean. Let’s always remember to be kind, talk about our problems and help our friends when needed.

#DealWithBullying #OfficePlayground #Resilience #Empathy #PositiveAtmosphere #ChildFriendlyConcepts


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